The Last Olympian


Ares was the Greek God of War.

Poseidon was the Greek God of the Sea, Earthquakes, and Horses.

Zeus was the Greek God of the sky and weather he was also the leader of the ollympians.

Apollo was the Greek God of archery, healing, music, poetry, prophecy, purification, and seafaring, and he also became the god of the sun.

Dionysus was the Greek God of wine.

Hermes was the Greek God of fertility.

Hades was the Greek God of the Dead.

Pan was the Greek God of woods and pastures.

Iris was the Greek Goddess of the rainbow and a messenger of the gods especially Hera.

Hephaestus was the blacksmith of the Greek Gods.

Artemis was the Greek Goddess of childbirth and female maturation.

Hestia was the Greek Goddess of the heart.